Anna Taleysnik
River Edge, NJ
Current Residence
Springfield, VA (ET)
Accomplishments + Certifications:
Bachelors Degree in Politics, New York University
Masters Degree in Public Policy, George Mason University
Over 20 years of professional experience in nonprofit management - projects, leading teams, even driving a forklift - you name it, I've done it!
Avid reader (average ~120 books/year)
Mom to an amazing tween with a diverse range of quirky hobbies, like raising awareness about pangolins' near extinction and memorizing the dictionary (the bigger the word, the better)
Able to tear off a perfectly sized piece of aluminum foil for baking trays every single time
Project Manager for multiple non-profit organizations
Director of a logistics department overseeing $80M in inventory and distribution of 8M units of product
Senior Program Manager overseeing execution of large-scale training programs
Director of Operations overseeing finance, HR, contracting and program management functions for a team of 40
Operations + Project Manager for solopreneurs and small businesses in the HR, analytics, and leadership development spaces; building and streamlining processes that optimize efficiency and support business growth
Accounting + Finance: Quickbooks, Dynamic Budgets, Sage, Quicken, Wave Financial, Xero
Brainstorm Tools: Miro, Mural, Mentimeter, Jamboard
Communications: Adobe Connect, Discord, Loom, Slack, WebEx, Zoom
CMS: Blackboard, Open LMS
CRM/Point of Sale: Clover, Hubspot, Salesforce, Square
Data Capture: Dynamic Forms, Mailchimp, SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics
Design: Adobe Lightroom, Canva, llustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
Documents: Adobe, Pages
E-commerce: Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, Magento
Electronic Signatures: DocuSign
File Sharing: Dropbox, iCloud
Human Resources: ADP Workforce, Glassdoor, Indeed
Marketing: Google Analytics
Project Management: Airtable, Asana, Jira,, Trello
Property Management: Airbnb, VRBO
QR Codes:
Scheduling: Calendly, Doodle, When I Work
Social Media: Buffer, Dripify, Facebook, Hootsuite, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter
Travel: Airbnb, Expedia, VRBO
Username + Password Protection: 1Password, LastPass
Website: WordPress
When I was 10, I wanted to be: an epidemiologist (very grateful as of 2020 that I didn't pursue that one!)
Go-to take out spot: Jersey Mike's (the only sandwich shop near here that comes close to a proper NJ/NY Italian hoagie), Andy's Pizza (the only pizza place around here that comes close to a proper NJ/NY pizza ... yeah, there's a theme :))
If I were to pick one show to re-watch 100 times it would be: Gilmore Girls
One meme that sums up my sense of humor:
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