Katie Rushcamp


Grand Rapids, MI

Current Residence

Grand Rapids, MI (ET)


Accomplishments + Certifications:

  • Owned my own macramé business

  • Dog mom to Peter Barker

  • Ceramicist

  • Amateur film photographer

  • Volunteer at my local nature center


  • Executive Administrative + Personal Assistant for a property management company

  • Event Planner + Administrative Assistant for a llama farm

  • Assisted in the setup and systems operations of a communications consulting firm

  • Implemented workflow systems, supported website creation and design, assisted with podcast production, R+D, and supported creative strategy for a wellness company

  • Administrative Assistant for an HR agency


Accounting + Finance: Quickbooks

Communications: Loom, Slack, Zoom

CMS: Blackboard

CRM/Point of Sale: Square

Data Capture: Typeform

Design: Canva, Figma

E-commerce: Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, Poshmark, Shopify

Electronic Signatures: DocuSign

File Sharing: Dropbox, iCloud

Human Resources: Gusto

Marketing: Meta Advertising

Podcast Production: Audacity, Buzzsprout

Project Management: Asana, Notion, Trello

Property Management: Airbnb, Hipcamp, VRBO

QR Codes: QR.io

Scheduling: Calendly

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter

Travel: AirBNB, Expedia, Skyscanner, VRBO

Username + Password Protection: 1Password, LastPass

Website: Squarespace, WIX, WordPress

When I was 10, I wanted to be: a professional horse girl

Go-to take out spot: Mr. Burger for a classic burger and fries. It's a local legend.

If I were to pick one show to re-watch 100 times it would be: I'm not a big show re-watcher, but there's just something about Schitt's Creek that keeps me coming back. And that something is definitely Moira's wigs.

One meme that sums up my sense of humor:

meme about Sean Bean not rhyming

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