Stephanie Hamling


Wonderview, AR

Current Residence

Wonderview, AR (CT)


Accomplishments + Certifications:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts

  • Minor in Honor's Intradisciplinary Studies

  • Anticipatory Problem Solver

  • Master Cosmetics Formulator & Soap Maker

  • Voracious Reader


  • Programs Team Lead supporting clients and the CEO within the coaching and consulting education space

  • Empowering women entrepreneurs on a contract basis through project management, process auditing, marketing and copywriting support, and course creation

  • Programs Director responsible for building and supporting 12-week, flagship course for cosmetic company start-ups


Accounting + Finance: Wave Financial

Brainstorm Tools: Miro, ClickUp Mind Maps

Communications: Loom, Slack, Zoom

CRM/Point of Sale: ConvertKit

Data Capture: Typeform

Design: Canva, Illustrator, InDesign, Photopea

Documents: Adobe

E-commerce: Shopify

Electronic Signatures: DocuSign, HelloSign

File Sharing: Dropbox

Human Resources: Gusto

Online Training: Kajabi, Thinkific

Project Management: ClickUp

Scheduling: Calendly

Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn

Username + Password Protection: LastPass

Website: Shopify

When I was 10, I wanted to be: a nun

Go-to take out spot: Sushi or Sonic

If I were to pick one show to re-watch 100 times it would be: Pride & Prejudice (BBC version, of course)

One meme that sums up my sense of humor:


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