Melanie Benford-Jackson


Chicago, IL

Current Residence

Rancho Cordova, CA (PT)


Accomplishments + Certifications:

  • Master of Science in Human Resource Management

  • Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations & Advertising

  • Minor in Hospitality

  • Project Management Certificate - Google (2022)

  • Wife and mother to my adorable 6 year old daughter


  • Personal HR Assistant to the Director of Talent & Culture of a large private foundation

  • Office Administrator, Human Resource Coordinator and, later, Project Management Consultant for a private Christian school (SHRM certified, Google Certified, 200+ students and 60 staff members)

  • Executive Assistant & Volunteer Coordinator for a nonprofit teen center (served over 1000 students, 10 staff, 100 volunteers)

  • Secretary for public school (300+ students, 75 staff members)

  • Customer Service Representative for a large sales corporation (nationwide)

  • Research Assistant for a university who’s Entrepreneurship program is currently ranked #10 in US


  • Accounting: Quickbooks

  • Communications: Slack

  • Design: Canva

  • E-commerce: Amazon, LTK

  • Electronic Signatures: DocuSign

  • File Sharing: Dropbox

  • Human Resources: Gusto

  • Project Management: Asana

  • Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter

  • Travel: Airbnb

  • Username + Password Protection: LastPass

When I was 10, I wanted to be: a film producer

Go-to take out spot: Chick-fil-A

If I were to pick one show to re-watch 100 times it would be: A Different World

One meme that sums up my sense of humor:

meme about offering people food

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