Kelly Farrier
Louisville, KY
Current Residence
Louisville, KY (ET)
Accomplishments + Certifications:
Bachelor’s degree in Culinary Arts
Minor degree in Business
I have worked in the foster / adoption community for almost 10 years!
I have four wonderful pets, Dane-iel Radsniff, Scarlet Witch, Captain Ameowica, and Natasha Romeownoff
I am a proud aunt to my amazing niece and nephew who joined our family through foster care and adoption
Oversee case notes and documentation for children's residential treatment facility
Administrative support for nonprofit adoption agency
Communications: Slack, TextMagic, Zoom
E-commerce: Amazon, Etsy
Electronic Signatures: DocuSign
Project Management: Asana, Honeybook, Peek
Property Management: AirBnb, VRBO
Reviews: Birdeye, Viator (Tripadvisor)
Scheduling: When I Work
Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter
Travel: Expedia
Website: WordPress
When I was 10, I wanted to be: a pastry chef with my own Food Network show
Go-to take out spot: Starbucks or Sushi!
If I were to pick one show to re-watch 100 times it would be: I'm not a huge TV person. I prefer video games.
One meme that sums up my sense of humor:
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